for Heller

Original sketch for Limbo.
A fluid shape where simple forms repeat to create a comfortable versatile seating.

The colors should accommodate and allow the chair to sit comfortably inside a home, on a lawn, a deck or in a desert landscape.

The name suggests the in-between state, between inside and outside.

1:1 3D printed prototype.

Roto-molding equipment. The tool is cut from aluminum, where heated polymer coats the inside of the tool cavity. The tool comes apart to reveal and release the chair once the polymer cools.
Plastic chairs are terrible, or are they? What if they were made with majority PCR and could be ground up at their end of life to create another chair?
What if they were actually stable and comfortable?
This is what we are creating with Heller. A rotationally molded mono material chair made of Low Density Polyethylene that is designed as a cradle-to-cradle product.